First, let me introduce myself if we have never met before:

My name is Ihor Wasiuta, devoted father of two boys, I was a Wine Sales Director, an International Industrialist & Serial Entrepreneur and I am a Relationship Cultivator, People Connector, Change Facilitator, Fundraiser, Author, Publisher, Life Artist and Holistic Mentor.

These days I concentrate on highlighting in-depth Research, Articles and Holistic Insights and being a Holistic Connector.

Whatever, I am not telling you this to brag.

It is to tell you that for me, after more than 35 years "boots-on-the-ground"-experiences together with  my closest friends and a plethora of accumulated "applied wisdom", it is just about time to create visibility and thus be able to help more open-minded and benevolent individuals - like yourself, I presume - to become awake, more consciuos aware, better to adapt your mindset to new realities, to take up real self-responsibility, to transform and to grow.

And because I relish the company of people and have an innate desire to bring out the best in everybody, in order to fulfill their potential in whatever path they choose, I believe a fundamental requisite for this is true Freedom of Speech combined with True Conversations and sincere libertarian intentions.

Today the digital social media platforms are the only modes of mass person-to-person communication, and now they are being systematically co-opted to become tools of censorship, intimidation, control, discreditation, and misinformation.

That's why I started private publishing, and in doing so, helping to counteract this mass scale brainwashing. I believe in making individuals aware about the world they live in and that only they themselves are accountable and responsible for their actions. The moment you accept as a sovereign individual that simple truth you are ready to expand and brighten up your horizon for the benefit of yourself, your loved ones and our planet as a whole.

Join me and others in our noble efforts to help improve and transform humans and the world for the better!

To your Wisdom and Freedom,

Ihor Wasiuta
